"An Inconvenient Truth" is a documentary film that has won an academy award tell a story of climate change, specifically about global warming.The movie was directed by Davis Guggenhiem by former United States Vice President Al Gore. The movie is all about exploring data and also predicts about how the climate could change, interspersed with personal events from the life of Al GoreHe reviews some of the scientific evidence of global warming discusses macroeconomic policy and global warming and also describes some of the expressed belief that climate change will produce if the amount of human generated greenhouse gases are not reduced significantly in the coming future.
This film contains many sectors intend to refer critics who say that global warming is unprooved or insignificant. In an attempt to explain the phenomenon of global warming, the film examines annual temperatures and levels of carbon dioxide over the past 600.000 years, Antarctic ice samples. It is a metaphor for Hurricane Katrina used literate 30 feet to 45 feet waves destroyed about 1 million homes in the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The documentary ends with Gore note that if they take appropriate action as soon as possible, the effects of global warming can be reversed successfully.