May 5, 2007

Review of "An Inconvenient Truth"

"An Inconvenient Truth" is a documentary film that has won an academy award tell a story of climate change, specifically about global warming.The movie was directed by Davis Guggenhiem by former United States Vice President Al Gore. The movie is all about exploring data and also predicts about how the climate could change, interspersed with personal events from the life of Al GoreHe reviews some of the scientific evidence of global warming discusses macroeconomic policy and global warming and also describes some of the expressed belief that climate change will produce if the amount of human generated greenhouse gases are not reduced significantly in the coming future.
This film contains many sectors intend to refer critics who say that global warming is unprooved or insignificant. In an attempt to explain the phenomenon of global warming, the film examines annual temperatures and levels of carbon dioxide over the past 600.000 years, Antarctic ice samples. It is a metaphor for Hurricane Katrina used literate 30 feet to 45 feet waves destroyed about 1 million homes in the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The documentary ends with Gore note that if they take appropriate action as soon as possible, the effects of global warming can be reversed successfully.

Purpose of the blog

I am doing this blog because it is part of my project and because, i want to warn people about the issues that global warming can cause now and in future. I am also doing this blog so that people can know about Global Warming and do what is necessary to prevent and stop it. In this blog I am going to write about the global warming, and it will contain a movie review of "An Inconvenient Truth", a small powerpoint presentation, things that each of us can do in the UAE, the definition, some of the causes and specific effects of global warming.
We may now live our lives without any problem from Global Warming, but in the future our children will be the victims of what we are doing right now. In this blog I am sending a message for everyone breathing on this earth to do their best of doing what is necessary to prevent and stop the global warming.

What is Global Warming ?

Global warming is when the Earth heats up. It happens when greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane trap heat and light from the Sun in the Earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature.

The average temperature in the atmosphere mass increased by 0.74 - 0.18 degrees Celsius during the last century. According to the study prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and notes that the increase in the average global temperature has been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. This has led to high temperatures unprecedented on Earth.
The other phenomena responsible for global warming is solar eruptions and these changes include an increase in temperature which will cause climate change and extreme weather conditions such as sea level rise, the change in the quantity of above-average rainfall, and the melting of ice caps in the polar regions, glaciers, storms and hurricanes. Global warming will increase the spread of diseases as there will be droughts and floods, coral bleaching and forest fires and soon.

Some causes of Global Warming

There are Many things that cause global warming. One thing that causes global warming is electrical pollution. In most cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity. Fossil fuels are made of dead plants and animals. Some examples of fossil fuels are oil and petroleum. Many pollutions chemicals that pollute the air, water, and land are sent into the air when fossil fuels are burned and some these chemicals are greenhouse gases. Petroleum is the main source of energy. It is used for transportation, making electricity, and making many other things. This source of energy gives off a lot of pollution. Some examples of using energy and polluting the air are : turning on a light, watching T.V., using a hair dryer, heating a meal in the microwave and Using an air conditioner. In short burning anything makes global warming worse because this sends an enormous amount of greenhouse gasses. Cutting trees are also makes global warming worse.

Some of the specific effects of Global Warming

Although there are many causes of global warming, there are also many effects. One effect is that the global average temperature will increase. The second effect is that the sea level will rise. Other effect is that the extreme weather events will increase and diseases will spread of. Now I am going to talk about the rising in sea level.
The main reason of rising sea level is the raise of temperature which caused by global warming. Before 3000 years until the 19th century the sea level was nearly steady and increased from 0.1 to 0.2 mm/yr. But in 1900 It was rising at 1 – 2 mm/yr. In 1992 the level increased at 3 mm/yr specified from satellite altimetry. Some reports show that Lohachara Island in the Sundarbans in Bay of Bengal, was the first island maintained by rising sea levels that caused by global warming, and this was in December 2006.


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My Opinion

In my opinion, both people and governments are responsible for acting for the global warming. Global warming is a very big problem, and if we didn’t find a solution to stop this issue, our children will not live in future. The earth does not belong for the governments only, it also belongs for the people. So, it is a problem for both individuals and governments. The governments must take people opinions about how to stop and prevent the issues of global warming, and they must pick and choose the best opinions to help the earth. After that, governments must share the opinions that they choose with the community to make sure that their opinions are good or not by voting for the best opinions. Finally they can build up the opinions that people choose and try to develop them. I think this is the best way of helping the earth from the global warming.

Some headlines about Global Warming in UAE newspapers


The project was very useful because it teached me many things about the earth and i learned the causes and effects about global warming. Before i didn't know anything about global warming, but now i know many things about it. I also learned how to make a blog and how to present it. I found this project interisting because it talks about the earth and the enviroment. I hope that people try to learn more about global warming because the most of it is caused by humans. Global warming is a very big problem and if people care about their children and the earth, they must search for some sollutions to reduce the issues of global warming.